Lucky Number 3 Team Project

This game was made as a team project. We started with a basic idea and then built on it together using Google Docs and other collaborative tools such as Wireframe and Trello to figure out how we wanted the story to play out. The Wireframe flowchart allowed us to plan all of the different player choices and how they would affect the games outcomes, as it showed us clearly which choices led where, and where those paths would then reconnect.

After we had our game idea sorted we then decided who should work on which sections of the code, and how many sections, total, each of us should work on. The sections that were my personal work are: Scene 7, Scene 8 and the function called EndGameChance, although we all helped with many other areas whenever needed as well.

Scene 7 and 8 are the scenes where whichever character the player has chosen to aid are at the vault. Making these different choices was entertaining, especially the 'Guess combination' option, as this one actually checks for if you have already made a guess and then presents you with a low chance of succeeding in guessing if you haven't. If you have already guessed then it tells you that you must pick another option.

The 'EndGameChance' function, in it's basic summary, checks how many 'good' outcomes to your previous choices in the game you have achieved, and then uses that score to determine how likely your Heist crew's chances of escaping are. I achieved this through first generating a random number between 1 and 20 and assigning it to a variable.
Next I used if/else to check what the current 'player_score' is, out of a possible 30.
If it is 30 then the player always succeeds, as this is a perfect score.
If it is 20 then the random number that the code has generated only has to be higher than 5 to succeed.
If it is 10 then the random number has to be higher than 15, which is quite unlikely.
And finally, if it is 0 then it is an automatic failure.