My Journey Learning To Code.

About me

Hello! My name is Herbie Southern.
This website is a summary of all of the work that I was able to complete, both as part of a team and as an individual, during my time with Code Nation. This website itself has been created during the final week of the course as I learn how to write html and CSS!
The first major chunk of the course has been teaching us to use Python, starting with the basics of the 'print' function and 'methods', and ending with how to use 'input' for use in making a text adventure game as a team. On this website you can see my two favourite examples of those lessons in action, including the game that I was able to make with my team.

Photo of me

Lucky #3 game screenshot

Lucky Number 3

As part of learning how to not only code, but work on that code alongside others in a team, we were assigned the task of creating a text-based adventure game. We then used different collaborative tools, such as Trello and Shared documents such as Google Docs and Wireframe, to plan our game that we were going to create together. First we figured out a rough story. Next we pieced that story together and used a Wireframe flowchart to figure out all of the different player choices and their outcomes. Finally we decided who would be focusing on which part of the games code, so that we were all contributing equally to the final result and all new what the others were working on.

Shut the Box

All of the different lessons of how to use Python were put into action within a personal project that I made for my own entertainment during my free time, as I have genuinely enjoyed using Python to create things. This personal project uses Functions, Loops, Variables, Libraries, If/Else, Inputs and Lists to create a text based version of the Dice-based board game called 'Shut the box' where you aim to lower all of the numbers 1 through 9 by adding your dice rolls together to make the numbers you need. Making this was a good way to put what I had learned into even more practice, as although I knew how all of the different tools worked, it was a different challenge to figure out getting them all to work together. There are parts of the code that I can now look at and realise easier ways to have typed it, such as setting certain sections as a function and then calling it multiple times, later, saving myself time instead of typing it every time. However these are the realisations that in my eyes made it worth creating.

Shut the box game screenshot